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Legal notices

French Data Protection Authority (CNIL)

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of 06/01/1978, this site has been declared to the CNIL.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and correct your personal data. If you wish to exercise this right, please write to us at the following address:

Information Systems Department


2 rue de la Milétrie

BP 577


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Droit d’auteur – Copyright

This entire site is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic representations.

Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic or other medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express permission of Poitiers University Hospital.

The photographs were taken at the CHU with the collaboration of nursing, administrative and technical staff. Reproduction by any process whatsoever is prohibited without authorization.

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Warning: Use of undefined constant _OUVREZ - assumed '_OUVREZ' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/prismatitx/www/Mentions/mentions.php on line 86
_OUVREZ Firefox

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Warning: Use of undefined constant _OUVREZ - assumed '_OUVREZ' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/prismatitx/www/Mentions/mentions.php on line 98
_OUVREZ Internet Explorer

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Warning: Use of undefined constant _OUVREZ - assumed '_OUVREZ' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/prismatitx/www/Mentions/mentions.php on line 108
_OUVREZ Google Chrome

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Warning: Use of undefined constant _OUVREZ - assumed '_OUVREZ' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/prismatitx/www/Mentions/mentions.php on line 119
_OUVREZ Safari

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Contact :

email :

Telephone :
Manuel Roulaud
+33(5) 49 44 32 23
Monday - Friday, 9AM - 6PM

Address :
2 rue de la Milétrie
Bâtiment CCV, étage 0, 86000 Poitiers